ADEV + WTF Queer Saturday
Saturday, Oct 21, 2023 | 22 00 - 03 00 | suggested donation
Benefit – TBA
During Amsterdam Dance Event, Central Disko will be going to Vrankrijk
in collaboration with WTF Queer (Wednesdays)
– Unpronounceable
– Weapon
– Princess-K
– Weapon
– Princess-K
Nataly Wood
More TBA….
More TBA….
We would like to remind you that Central Disko and WTF Queer Wednesdays are both Queer and is and is ran by queer people, but the policy is that it’s not a Queer only party. Disko loving moms in their 50s, nerdy Disko record collectors, and anyone who enjoys good music and understands this vibe in general is more than welcome!
See you then!