AAAH! Anarchist Action Assistance Hour,

Thursday, Aug 22, 2024 | 19.00 till 20.30 |

AAAH! is a weekly Anarchist Action Assistance Hour, where you can meet other groups that can support you with pulling off your action, or give advice about logistics. During AAAH! you can make connections with groups including, but not limited to: Street Medics, Support & Recovery, Kraakspreekuur and Arrestantengroep.

How does AAAH work?

We do consultations weekly, you can walk in every Thursday from 19:00 until 20:30. If you want to talk to a specific group, please reach out to us beforehand so we can make sure the right person is present. You can do this either by stopping by or e-mailing us at: Please do not e-mail us any details of your action, we would love to hear it in person.

We are also open as a meeting space for action groups during the assistance hour. If your collective wants to meet during AAAH: reach out to us!

AAAH! Anarchist Action Assistance Hour,
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